2nd Annual Mental Health Symposium - Resource Page
Mental health should be a community responsibility. Synagogues, schools and social service agencies in your neighbourhood all have people who can offer advice and point you in the right direction.
Some People who can be helpful:
- Your Rabbi
- Your school Counsellor
- The Ometz/Cummings Centre Helpline
- The members of your parenting group
- The women’s shelter
- The leader of your exercise class
Keep asking until you find someone who listens and offers suggestions. Know that your mental health is important and that there is support available.
Here is a list of local and national mental health resources:
Kids Help Line: 1-800-668-6868
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Ometz: https://www.ometz.ca/
AMI-Quebec: https://amiquebec.org/
Relief: https://www.reliefhelp.org/
Canadian Mental Health Association: https://cmha.ca/
Stronger Minds (free digital therapy program): https://www.mindbeacon.com/strongerminds
Mental Health Commission of Canada:
Canadian Psychological Association: https://cpa.ca/
American Psychological Association: https://www.apa.org/
Ordres des Psychologues du Quebec: https://www.ordrepsy.qc.ca/
Anxiety & Depression Association of America: https://adaa.org/
CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/tools-resources/index.htm